- Talk directly with current MSU students with disabilities who have “been there” and understand the journey
- Consult with university disability specialists to learn skills for college
- Experience firsthand the latest assistive technology through breakout sessions during the program
- Be ready to attend a college class, stay overnight, and build connections with other high school students with disabilities
- Become aware of self-advocacy skills and resources for a successful transition
- Develop a long-range goal that includes a vision of higher education in your future!
Explore the possibilities, design your future, and commit to success- it’s in your hands!
Please take note that the program fills quickly and the application system will close after the first 50 applications are received. We accept 20 participants based on the quality of the applications submitted. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by May 1.
Who can apply?
College-bound high school students who will receive a high school diploma with a disability between the ages of 16-18. We accept students with a range of disabilities (autism spectrum disorders, blindness/visual impairment, brain injury, chronic health, deaf/hard of hearing, learning disabilities and attention deficit, mobility, mental health)
When is Project Venture?
June 21-23, 2017. Programming will begin Wednesday evening and run through Friday afternoon.
Where do I stay? What do I eat?
Participants will stay overnight in an accessible residence hall with another student in the Project Venture program (of the same gender). All meals (Thursday breakfast through Friday lunch) are included in the cost of the program. If you have food-related concerns, we will work with you along with our dining staff to meet your needs as best as we can.
What do I do if I need accommodations?
Through the application and registration process, students will be able to fully explain accommodations necessary for full participation in the program. We are committed to making this a meaningful experience for all involved and will work actively with you to meet your accommodation needs.
What is the cost of Project Venture?
$120.00. If this program cost presents financial hardship or prohibits your participation, please contact us for individual funding consideration.
Who do I contact with questions?
If you have any questions prior to or during the program please email the Project Venture Team or call the RCPD front office. Project Venture staff will be on hand through the duration of the program, and will provide daytime and overnight supervision at all times.