Services in Oakland County

For an overview presentation about accessing services, please click here.

If you have a family member with a developmental disability he/she may be eligible for a variety of services, some at no cost to you. The Oakland County Health Network (OCHN) is now the point of entry in Oakland Co. to access those services. Their staff will determine eligibility based on guidelines as defined by the Michigan Mental Health Code. Following are how to access those services.

Call OCHN at 248-464-6363 and ask for Access Screening. Tell the person that your child has a developmental disability and you would like to be screened for services. This may happen over the phone, or as a face-to-face meeting with you and your child.

When meeting with the screener, s/he will focus on how your child performs in the following areas: (substantial limitations need to be found in 3 of the 7 areas to be found eligible for services)
  • self-care (can your child dress, feed, groom, toilet him or herself?) 
  • self-direction (does your child need redirection/supervision, attend to a task, need to be motivated?) 
  • receptive & expressive language (can your child communicate his/her needs, follow directions?) 
  • capacity for independent living (is your child safe in the community/home, participate in chores?) 
  • learning (can your child learn new skills/concepts, generalize and retain learned information?) 
  • economic self-sufficiency (does your child understand the concept of money, manage it and pay bills?) 
  • mobility (can your child move safely through an environment and get around?) 
Note: all areas of performance are as compared to what would be typical of others the same age.

Have the following information readily available: IEP’s, school classification, psychological testing including IQ score and documentation from a doctor that substantiates the developmental disability.

If your child is found eligible for services, your next step will likely be an intake appointment at either Macomb Oakland Regional Center (MORC) or Community Living Services of Oakland County (CLS/OC). Both are contracted service providers through Oakland County Health Network (OCHN). Based on your child/family’s need, services may include: 
  • supports coordination/case management 
  • family supports/services and respite services 
  • support to live independently 
  • in-home and community supports 
  • school to work transition supports and services and skill building 
If you are receiving Medicaid, there is no cost for the above services. If your child is 18 or older and receiving SSI (and Medicaid) there is no charge. If your child is under the age of 18, an ability to pay will be assessed.

CLS/OC is a private not for profit organization that promotes and facilitates inclusion, full citizenship and a self-determined life for people with developmental disabilities.
(248) 547-2668

MORC is a private, non-profit, human service agency that provides direct services to people with disabilities so that they may celebrate life, freedom and independence in the community.
(866) 754-3398

Need assistance connecting to resources: dental, education, employment, housing, legal support, mental health services, and transportation?  Try The RISE Center

For more information, click here and/or please review the following: