- AIMS- Achieving Independent Mind Skills, contact 248-320-0564 or email amyaseidman@gmail.com
- The Art Experience
- ASD Teen Friendship Club
- Autism ASK
- Autism Society Friendship Social
- Banbury Cross Therapeutic Equestrian Center
- Beautiful Yoga
- FAR Conservatory
- Farber Soul Center
- The Friendship Circle
- Fuse45 [Force]
- The Judson Center
- Learning & Living Center
- Michigan Adaptive Sports
- Miracle League of Michigan
- My Ability Dance Program
- Nichols Bunch, contact Sue Nichols at 248-217-1422, nicholsbunchstaffing@hotmail.com
- Oakland County Adaptive Recreation
- Our Neighborhood Academy
- OUCARES Recreational Programs
- Special Needs Street Hockey League [SNSHL]
- Special Olympics of Michigan
- Team GUTS
- Warner's Corner Toys
- And check out "Oakland County Moms" for a list of community resources including sports leagues and a calendar of events for adults & children with special needs!
- Very Special Camps (a search engine for summer camps & programs for individuals with special needs)
- The Fowler Center
- Rick May's All Star Camp
- Camp Skyline
- Camp Fish Tales
- St. Francis Camp on the Lake
- Indian Trails Camp