Housing and Special Needs Estate Planning

Getting My Own Address Support Group

Troy meeting is:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
6:00-8:00 pm
570 Kirts Blvd.
Suite 231, Troy, MI 48084

Housing and Special Needs Estate Planning will be presented by Carrie Alexander and Linda Ronan Brown, Community Housing Network, Inc./Springhill Pooled Accounts Trust. Come learn the basics about special needs estate planning tools, including the Springhill Pooled Accounts Trust, setting-up housing for a family member with a disability, and how to avoid impacting Social Security and Medicaid benefits with the use of special needs trust funds.

If you have any questions, please contact Chuck Bratton at 248-269-1307.

Community Housing Network | 248-928-0111 | jkorte@chninc.net | http://www.communityhousingnetwork.org
570 Kirts Boulevard, Suite 231
Troy, MI 48084