Game Programming @ OCC

In this exciting class being offerd at OCC's Orchard Ridge Campus, students will learn how to use a new software system called "Unity" and it is very popular in the game developer community. The students will also be learning the C# programming language. C# is a general purpose object-oriented programming language (very similar to Java) that would be useful to students in programming tasks other than game development.

Term: Summer 2014
Course Title: CIS 2859 - Game Programming I

Section number: O1500 
Registration code: 102096 
First day: 05/08/2014 
Last day: 08/14/2014 Meeting date:
Thursday Meeting time: 06:00PM - 09:55PM
Meeting location: F Building, Room F106, Orchard Ridge Campus
Duration: 15 Weeks
Enrollment fees
Course Fee: $40
Textbook: Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 3D (ISBN: 978-1-84969-658-6)
Software: Visual Studio with C# and the Unity game engine
Notes: No cost to students for the required software. Software may also be used at home.

Bill Schanerberger
Professor, OCC Computer Information Systems